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Haworthia Truncacta - Horse's Teeth


Exact specimen.

Will ship bare root.


LIGHT - Partial shade with some bright light, indirect sun


WATER - Water thoroughly when completely dry, less in summer 


SOIL – Gritty, sandy or gravelly soil with good drainage


COLD TOLERANCE – Zones 10a - 11b.  Somewhat frost tolerant but can't survive a deep freeze.




SIZE – Up to .8" tall x 4" wide (slow grower)


FLOWERS - Small white flowers in late spring


PROPAGATION – Offsets, leaves, seed


TOXICITY - Generally non-toxic to humans and pets


Haworthia Truncacta - Horse's Teeth

  • Botanical Name:  Haworthia Truncacta

    Common Name:  Horse's Teeth

    Family: Asphodelaceae


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