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Eulychnia castanea spiralis cristata - Unicorn Cactus


Currently in 8" concrete pottery (sold separately).

Will be shipped bare root.


LIGHT - Full sun to light shade


WATER - Regular waterings in summer. Keep dry in winter.


SOIL - Coarse mineral cactus soil


COLD TOLERANCE - Zones 10a - 11b




SIZE - Up to 6.5 feet tall x 4" wide


FLOWERS - Small bloom in spring


PROPAGATION - Cutting, seed, grafting


TOXICITY - Not known to be toxic to humans or animals.

Eulychnia castanea spiralis cristata - Unicorn Cactus

  • Botanical Name:  Eulychnia castanea spiralis cristata

    Common Name:  Unicorn Cactus

    Family: Cactaceae


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