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Astrophytum asterias variegata

Sold  by the each. 
You can request a specific color and we will do our best to accommodate but cannot guarantee.
Measures 1.5" in diameter.
These colorfulful astros get their brilliant colors from chemical variegation.
Showcased here in our handmade pottery (sold separately).
Due to USDA regulations, minimal to no roots at present.

Will be shipped bare root.


LIGHT - Full sun but careful not to burn


WATER - Let dry completely between waterings which will be about every 10 days. Don't let sit in water. Water less in winter.


SOIL – Well drained soil - best is mixture of clay, loam & sand


COLD TOLERANCE – Zones 9a – 11b.




SIZE - Up to 6-12” tall


FLOWERS - Sometimes gives yellow flowers up to 3” in diameter in spring followed by fruit


PROPAGATION – Cuttings using root compound or grafting


TOXICITY - Toxic if ingested by humans or animals.

Astrophytum asterias variegata

  • Botanical Name:  Astrophytum asterias variegata

    Common Name:  Variegated Astrophytum asterias

    Family: Cactaceae


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